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Care & Maintanance
We believe accessories make the hearing experience even better.
Maintaining the condition of your hearing aids is just as important as getting them in the first place.
Complete H-Aid Care Video
Specific instructions may vary depending on the exact model of your hearing aid. Consult your user instructions if in doubt.
Hearing Aid Batteries.

Hearing Aid Batteries are run on zinc air batteries.Batteries are coded with a number and a color

Wax Guard
To protect hearing aid from ear wax.
Hearing Aid Dehumidifier.

Cleaning brush

Hearing Aid dehumidifier,for absorbing humidity in hearing aids.Which helps hearing aids to last longer.
Elcronic drying station
Cleaning Wire

The easy-to-use DRY-GO UV dries and sanitizes hearing aids and earmoulds in just 3 hours. Daily use results in improved acoustic performance, better reliability, and better ear hygiene.
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